Taking a Lens to the World in the US

Ok, for me, the US is a "home game", but it's amazing how few people have really taken the time to see what's here. 25 years ago, in 1994 I rode a bicycle across America, California to Montana, New Orleans to Delaware; 6,000 miles, in 100 days. Along that journey I essentially "found" myself and it changed the course of my life..perhaps I began to "find Away"...

Over the years I had visited most of the National Parks, but the route was a patchwork of adventures and lacked a coheasive theme. In 2017 I had the honor to drive 20,000 miles to visit most of the National Parks of the American West. Over almost another 100 days of driving, I got to take a grand survey of our parks and revel in their diversity and can report it's definitely "Bien There".

These "Grand Tours" of both countries far and wide, as long as parks in our own "back yard" has given me a unqiue perspective on what the world has to offer...always carry spare batteries.